by Jim Davis, Environmental Risk Management | Jun 3, 2014 | Industrial Health & Safety Services
A dust explosion is a very rapid burning of the dust while it’s still suspended in the air, known as deflagration. If this happens in a confined enclosure (building, room, vessel, equipment) there may be an explosion. The dispersion of dust in particulate or...
by Jim Davis, Environmental Risk Management | Apr 23, 2014 | Industrial Health & Safety Services
Thousands of residential and commercial structures in the U.S. contain many different types of asbestos. Asbestos presents compliance problems home owners and commercial operations and maintenance personnel. This article is focusing on businesses. Staying on top of...
by Jim Davis, Environmental Risk Management | Apr 4, 2014 | Industrial Health & Safety Services
The OSHA SST-14 Program is and effort to place its enforcement resources in workplaces that have the highest rates of injuries and illnesses. They are targeting high-hazard, non-construction workplaces that have 20 or more workers based on last year’s OSHA Data...
by Jim Davis, Environmental Risk Management | Mar 28, 2014 | Environmental Services
Hazardous waste containers are the most common unit used to store and transport hazardous waste because they are relatively cheap and easy to handle compared to tanks and surface impoundments. Also, containers are a good option for hazardous waste handlers who want to...
by Jim Davis, Environmental Risk Management | Mar 12, 2014 | Environmental Services, Industrial Health & Safety Services
Penalties and compliance upgrades can get really costly when an inspection by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) leads to and inspection by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the other way around. Many regulations by the EPA and OSHA...